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Bearish yerba mate has transformed my mornings! The rich flavor and energizing properties keep me focused throughout the day. Highly recommend to all herbal drink lovers!


User Reviews

Discover what our customers say about our yerba mate experience.

Yes, I really did experience those benefits after drinking it. The soothing effect was real and I felt a sense of peace.

Also, being a green tea lover, I found it easy to adapt to the taste. However, even for those who are not green tea lovers, it wasn't as bitter as other brands, making it really easy to adapt for others as well.

I drank it 4-5 times a day, reusing the tea leaves, and there was no change in taste. It maintained its flavor consistently and was easily reusable. I am being completely honest and I genuinely enjoyed it

I tried your product twice- before gym yesterday and today morning. I must say I am really impressed. It tastes bitter at first but the taste slowly grows on you. And the caffeine hit it gave me was as good as coffee.

I must say that I believe this has a lot of potential. Great product.

P.S.- The serving size you're recommending is too small though. 5 gms makes it taste like green tea but when I added 10 gms today, it tasted significantly better!

I am a person who didnt use to drink coffee. Started drinking coffee because needs to focus on class.

I personally feel caffeine hit of coffee lasts 15 mins. Yerba Mate lasts longer.

Taste was better than green tea. Caffeine hit was there for long time. I was about to sleep mid way in class, but i was energetic after i drank Mate and would love to make it a class break drink